Just back from a historic meeting of the Ra'anana conservative shul. I'm not sure if I've written about our shul before, but it is the only conservative shul that I know that isn't egalitarian. After hours (literally) of arguing, including the president threatening to walk out, the shul finally voted to allow the executive committee to continue to experiment with an egalitarian services, "but not to ever have less than 2 egalitarian and 2 conservadox shabbat morning services per month". This is actually a HUGE change. Since we came, the shul has been running an additional egalitarian services once a month after the conservadox minyan. The new resolution now pretty much guarantees that the shul will move to alternating between conservadox and egalitarian minyans, instead of running two a week.
There are certainly a few members who didn't like the resolution, but in general, I think even most of the members who prefer a conservadox services were happy that they got a guaranatee that the shul will not totally change overnight.
A few members, perhaps more who weren't present, are not happy at all with the change, but I think it is pretty hard to please everybody. It was great to hear the members who have been at the shul for 20+ years, speak about how long they've waited for this decision. Of course, this now ups the ante. I feel like the 'egal' supporters really need to show up regularly and bring friends to show that the change was worthwhile.