Sunday, December 11, 2005

Biking the Golan

I went on a 48km bike ride in the Golan Heights yesterday. It included total climbing of 680 meters, but overall we went from 900m down to 400m, so there were a lot of great downhills. It was all off road, which is new for me, and I wasn't totally prepared. They best part was biking down at break neck speed over rocky terrain. The worst part was sliding off the pedals at break neck speed and landing with a thud on the seat. Ouch. It's okay, I've been looking for a new means of contraceptive. Before the next trip, I'm going to get cycling shoes and clipless pedals.

Actually, one poor guy broke his seat while riding and fell backwards onto and off of his rear tire. He got back and rode seatless to the next stopping point. Soon after though they took him away with a neck brace in an ambulance. I sure hope he is alright.

I haven't yet decided what was scarier -- rolling down hills over rocks and bumps too afraid to loosen my grip to squeeze the brakes, or the 7 wild boars that suddenly ran out of the brush just 20 feet in front of me.

I've been hearing a lot about snow in Boston. Still none here in Ra'anana. From the Golan bike ride though I got a good view of the snow capped peak of Mount Hermon.